Join Group Game

Use your game code and pass to all play together

How to Play

  1. Group Games are played together, you must all be online at the same time.
  2. To start you will all have to come up with a description to be drawn.
  3. These descriptions will then be shuffled and different players will draw them.
  4. These drawings will then be shuffled and different players will describe them.
  5. This process will continue until everyone has partipated once in each starting description.
  6. At the end you will be able to see the results together.

Play as Guest

We strongly recommend becoming a member because you can then see all your drawings in one place, receive notifications when games complete and even start your own games.

Play as Member

It's very easy to sign up and become a member, we just need to verify an email.

If you're already a member just log in.