
It's the drawing version of The Broken Telephone Game with 100's of players!
Miscommunications happen and they can be hilarious!

How to Play

  1. You'll see a description, draw it; example 'King of Bears', you might draw a 'Bear wearing a crown'.
  2. The next player sees your drawing and describes it;  example 'Royal Bear'.
  3. Another player sees that description, and draws it.
  4. This is repeated until everyone has their turn.
  5. At the end find out who's the best artist, who's the best communicator and who just got lucky.

Draw it

Use the tools to draw.

drawing of lion sleeping on a bed with cover

Describe it

Say what you see.

drawing of dinosaur on a bar stool drinking from a glass


When the game finishes enjoy the results, view some recently completed games.

What are you waiting for?

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Got a Game Code and Pass?

That means someone has been kind enough to setup a game already, choose Join Game below and enter the details when instructed.